История версий и изменений программы AChat

0.140 beta 6 (01.01.1970)
· Fixed: tray icon status when network connection is lost · Fixed: transferring files larger than 2GB · Fixed: issues with multiple network interfaces and subnet broadcasting · Fixed: last shared file always missing · Fixed: double clicking on TntRichEditURL component · Changed: reworked file transfer, cause incompatibility with older versions · Changed: added limit on lines in channels to save system resources · Changed: receipients of question message can now be specified · Changed: multiple files selectable in Seatch tab · Changed: changes in image sending, cause incompatibility with older versions · Added: drawing on images being sent · Added: file transfer now resumes broken downloads · Added: drag & drop files from Explorer to send them · Added: [ achat-Feature Requests-1491001 ] Alhabetic nicklist (enabled by clicking user list header) · Added: quick messages can now be send to multiple receipients · Added: searching now accepts ·.· or "all" to display all shared files · Added: private messages logging; "Open Log directory" in View menu