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Заблокирована учетная запись Вайбера. Что делать?

Hello,My messages do not reach the subscriber.When l try to call through Vayer,l write "Call failure".l did not send out Spam,I do not advertise,I only make calls and messages of a private nature. recently,a message came from weiber that my number is spam. In the next (i think so) - decided to test the funktion of "hidden chat" And in a group chat clicked on this function. Onli then figured out what happened from this. In this group(the new one that was formed),messages were sent out that This is a mistake and a request for a and get out of the group of people who turned out to be in it. Obviously the system took it as spam. But it was not spam,in the future i will be attentive to the rules for vibers and very much ask me to unblock,for i love your program and often use it Communication with people close to me.I have been using this number for more than ten years,Vibeer is needed,because i maintain contact with children only in Vaiber. If l'm locked,unlock,please. I Will be grateful. Thank you.
13.01.2018 19:46

Ответы на вопрос (1)

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14.01.2018 04:54
Не совсем понимаю, к чему текст в описании, тем более на английском языке. Если вас заблокировали в приложении, то выяснить причину и условия разблокировки можно исключительно в службе технической поддержки пользователей Viber: https://support.viber.com/customer/ru/portal/emails/new . Мы же вам помочь в этом вопросе не можем, так как не являемся разработчиками.
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