История версий и изменений программы Gene FTP Server

3.9.0 build 2 (01.01.1970)
· Admin : Extended properties could not be assigned an empty string. · Server : $USR_FILENAME_83 was always returning an empty string. · Server : Failed logins counter not updated under Account / Statistics. · Trayicon : Stop/Start service problem with Windows Vista. · g6_script_js_vb.dll : Scripts with hook functions could raise access violations and freeze the FTP server. · Server : Updated HELP supported commands. · Server : Impersonated users may not be able to access SSL certificates to establish a secure connection. Certificates are now read with the FTP Server process rights. · Server : Uploaded files that are in the free files list do not increase ratio credits anymore. · Server : Access rights pointing to a file would prevent the deletion of the target file even if delete right was granted. · Server : Disabled FastMM option which forced MMX commands set usage even if MMX is not available on the CPU to allow compatibility with older CPU like Pentium Pro. · Server : Increased max values for FTP Server / Options / Socket buffer size (send and receive). · g6_auth_nt.dll : Custom defined groups have priority on the three default groups. · libeay32.dll, libssl32.dll : Updated OpenSSL dll to 0.9.8d. · Server : Added a new function to delete properties values : IProperties.DeleteValue(name) · Server : Added an option to prevent other processes to access a file being downloaded or uploaded (see Domain / Miscellaneous options). · Server : Slashes and back slashes are now allowed in domain, user and group names if settings are stored in a database. · Server : Added a plugin to log to a syslog daemon (see domain / logs options).